PARALLEL PARKING: (2 circle Rule – Standard car steering turns approx 1 ¾ toward right or left from center positions and stops)
1) Choose a space of 1 ½ car length behind vehicle where you need to or asked by examiner to Parallel Park then approx 30 meter before approaching the parked vehicle, check your Right mirror, signal right, shoulder check and move slowly toward right hand side closer to the vehicle.
2) Bring your right side mirror to the center column of the parked car (By Driver door’s handle) and complete Stop. For big trucks or vans Stop when your car’s rear bumper aligns with parked truck or van.
3) Keeping right signal ON place gear in Reverse, Steer all the way right (2 circles), check your 360 degree around, and back up until you see parked car right tail light from your right side window right corner and STOP. Your car makes a 45 degree angle with parked car.
4) Then straighten up the wheels by turning 2 circles towards left, hold steering straight and back up until you see in the right Convex mirror that your car’s right back wheel makes a V shape with the curb line, STOP completely.
5) Steer all the way left 2 circles, back up and straighten up the car, when cars side body is parallel to the curb, STOP completely and shift gear in park and use hand brakes.
6) Steer the wheels according to uphill or downhill with or without curb. (UCL – Uphill with Curb steer wheels towards Left, all other 3 directions steer wheels towards right.